Today is The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The last time we celebrated it was on the last Friday of Lent:173 days ago. That’s the first time I remember learning about this feast. It came at a time of prolonged and recent suffering and sorrow that we all went through in different ways.
For me it was an increasingly difficult time as I’d progressively lost the ability to swallow food. There’s nothing like realizing you may not have much time left to make you reflect on what’s important, what you really want to get done.
There were two things I realized I wanted to make sure I got out as soon as I could:
- Confess that Jesus Christ is True God and True Man. That He is the only Way to Salvation and to reconciliation with God The Father. For the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls, to share with others how even though I so often fail and fall, God in His great Mercy in Christ through Mary abundantly blesses and helps me .
- That there is no better way to respond to Christ gift of salvation than through Our Blessed Mother as St Louis de Montfort taught me. To share with others how she has helped me and healed me. To share how much the good Saints and Angels of Our Lord have helped and comforted me by the grace of God through the intercession of The Queen of Angels.
It’s now almost 6 months later and I’m finally publishing something. Due to health issues and my own shortcomings and faults it takes me a long time to get anything done. Even now, and only by the grace of God, did I manage to get even an outline done. I failed to publish a complete article in time for The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
God helps me to not give up. I may have failed to get a complete article published, but I will publish at least this much on this Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. By His grace and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother I will expand on these things over time. I am sorry I didn’t get more done in time, but my hope is in Our Lord and Our Lady. They continually comfort me and bring better things even out of my shortcomings and failures. I often fail and fall, but they never fail to lift me up. They teach me not to trust in my own shortcomings but to trust in God, The Most Holy Trinity.
Therefore, I offer up this site, this media cognita project, to The Most Holy Trinity in hopes of emulation and the intercession of Our Lady of The Most Holy Trinity and through the Most Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother for the Love of Jesus for all those who have no one to make sacrifices for them especially for all the victims of cruelty neglect and abuse, in union with the sacrifice of the Mass offered up around the world on this day, in hopes of the protection and flourishing of the Traditional Latin Mass in a good and healthy way, in union with the Sacrifice, the Work, the Passion, and the Cross of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in union with the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and in union with His Most Holy Spirit:
Veni Sancte Spiritus, reple tuórum corda fidélium et tui amóris in eis ignem accénde. Emítte Spíritum tuum, et creabúntur. Et renovábis fáciem terræ.
I offer these things up in hopes of the guidance inspiration and protection of the Most Holy Spirit, I hope to offer this up for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls and hope to offer up this media cognita project in adoration of The Most Holy Trinity and in honor of Our Lady of The Most Holy Trinity. I trust in her help to purify and bless it that it may do good and be good, to do the good will of God, our good Father in Heaven, by the grace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to bear good fruit in good time with the help of Our Blessed Mother and the help of all the Angels and Saints. AMDG